Tuesday, 12 January 2021 22:02 694
Inauguration and operation of Lore and Tanguan small-scale power plants

Inauguration and operation of Lore and Tanguan small-scale power plants

The 25-megawatt Lor and Tanguan Andimeshk small-scale power plants were built, inaugurated and put into operation with the company's investment, without the use of government funding or the National Development Fund.

All the main equipment of Lor and Tangvan power plants, including turbines, generators and control systems, have been built in the factories of Saman Project-Based Company.
The construction of Lore and Tangvan small-scale power plants with the aim of reducing voltage fluctuations and increasing the stability of the northern network of Khuzestan province began in late December 1398, and both power plants entered the national grid circuit in September this year.
Lor and Tanguan power plants were built and operated in difficult conditions and limitations due to the outbreak of coronary heart disease in less than eight months with the round-the-clock efforts of the engineers of Samaneh Project Company. The construction of these projects also created employment for local professionals.
Lor and Tangvan small-scale power plants will be operated under the guaranteed purchase contract with Khuzestan Regional Electricity Company with the investment of Saman Samaneh Project-Based Company.