

IranKish Credit Card Company(ICCC) started operating in 2003 with the mission of providing Payment and credit service.

IranKish Credit Card Company(ICCC) started operating in 2003 with the mission of providing Payment and credit service.
Due to the needs for developing electronic payment services and its significant role in comprehensive and sustainable development of the country, IranKish started its activities with issuing credit cards and providing related services to several Iranian banks.
In 2006, the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran granted the license of Payment Service Provider (PSP) to IranKish by confirming the company’s qualificationsand activities.
With the prospect of developing payment tools, Irankish is among the top 5 largest Payment Service Providers in Iran and has the second largest merchant networks for its POS devices.
Currently, IranKish is providing payment and the other related services using a variety of associated systems, including buying, selling, renting, supporting ATMs and POS terminals, providing payment and exchange services to banks, financial and credit institutions according to the regulations.

Areas of activity :

  • Development and support of various point of sales terminals (POS)
  • Development of electronic and mobile payment gateways
  • Providing a variety of credit card and payment solutions
  • Providing Supply Chain Financing Services